For millennia, we had cast our gaze upward, yearning for answers amidst the stars. And now, finally, the universe had responded us with a signal—a beacon from the depths of the cosmos.
In the blink of an eye, everything changed. Our pale blue dot was no longer an island adrift in the vastness of space. We were not alone.
The world held its breath as the first contact unfolded, a delicate dance of diplomacy and wonder. The beings from beyond our solar system were unlike anything we had imagined—wise, enigmatic, and possessing knowledge that stretched beyond the horizons of our comprehension.
As the exchange began, so too did the adjustment—a fusion of cultures, ideas, and dreams.
Our differences became the threads of a tapestry woven with the shared hopes of a unified cosmos.

The journey you seek has only just begun.


To maintain peace across the galaxy, we need a peacekeeper and a someone to guide those who are lost and punish those who are guilty. Recognizing this need, humans and aliens have come together, holding hands in unity, to forge a contract dedicated to ensuring peace throughout the galaxy. This remarkable alliance is known as Stellar Union.

The Union

The Union or Stellar Union were gathers intelligent species from all corners of the galaxy, uniting them under a common purpose. By working together, these diverse civilizations help each other govern justly and uphold peace. The primary mission of the Stellar Union is to prevent conflicts and wars, fostering an environment where all species can thrive. Through cooperation and mutual support, the Stellar Union stands as a beacon of hope, striving to maintain harmony and stability across the vast expanse of the galaxy.


IO is the name of an elite military force that is summoned during critical and extreme situations. This force is deployed when the galaxy faces dire threats such as planetary attacks, catastrophic cosmic events like a big bang, genocides of entire species, or the explosion of planets. IO's highly trained personnel are equipped to handle these severe emergencies, ensuring swift and decisive action to protect and preserve peace across the universe. Their presence is a testament to the seriousness of the situation and the urgent need for expert intervention.

Galaxy Jumper

Galaxy Jumpers are explorers tasked with jumping from planet to planet and galaxy to galaxy in search of new species, planets, and intelligent life forms. Their mission is to discover and document these findings before returning to the Union. To become a Galaxy Jumper, one must obtain a special license issued by the Union. This license ensures that only those with the necessary skills and training can undertake these critical explorations, contributing to the expansion of knowledge and fostering connections across the galaxy.


Scavenger are a name of notorious group of space thieves scattered throughout the galaxy. They thrive on hijacking ships, with a particular preference for merchandise spaceships. Known for their cunning and opportunistic nature, they pose a constant threat to traders and travelers. Their presence in space lanes and near resource-rich planets creates an ongoing challenge for security forces and legitimate spacefarers, making them are dangerous groups in the galaxy. The Union continuously works to track and thwart their activities.

Knowing System


  • Breathable : No

  • Threat : ☆☆☆☆

  • Radiation : ☆☆☆☆☆☆

Lua used to be a planet where scientists conducted experiments on weaponry, and the tests went horribly wrong, causing a massive explosion that shattered Lua into pieces. Now, it's nothing but scattered debris floating in space, a reminder of the dangers of unchecked scientific ambition. In year ░░░░░░ Dr.░░░░░░░░ and ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ so, Dr.░░░░░░░ started to ░░░░░░░ with ░░░░ and ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░. but░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░SO░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░.

Known Character






  • Breathable : Yes

  • Threat : ☆☆

  • Radiation : -

Earth was once exclusively inhabited by humans, but over time, it has become a melting pot of various alien species. These extraterrestrial visitors come from distant galaxies, seeking refuge, trade, or simply curiosity about Earth's diverse ecosystems and cultures.

Known Character






  • Breathable : Yes

  • Threat : ☆☆☆

  • Radiation : -

Hydroterra is a watery world where 99% of the surface is covered by vast oceans, leaving only a small 1% of solid ground. Its dominant species are the Aquarians, fish-like aliens perfectly adapted to life underwater. However despite the planet's aquatic nature, many Aquarians are unwelcoming towards newcomers. Suspicious of outsiders, they guard their territory fiercely and are hesitant to accept outsiders into their tightly-knit communities. Newcomers must prove themselves worthy of trust and acceptance, navigating the social intricacies of Hydroterra's underwater society to earn the respect of its inhabitants.

Known Character






  • Breathable : No

  • Threat : ☆☆☆☆☆☆

  • Radiation : ☆☆☆☆☆☆

Xenotraxia is infamous as the most hazardous planet, boasting extreme radiation levels. Venturing there demands meticulous preparation. Its dominant inhabitants are insectoid aliens, renowned for their aggressiveness and relentless pursuit of planetary dominance. Explorers must exercise extreme caution when navigating Xenotraxia's treacherous terrain, facing not only the planet's harsh conditions but also the formidable presence of its formidable insectoid inhabitants. Luckily some of Xenotraxia have no radiation.

Known Character






  • Breathable : Yes

  • Threat : ☆☆☆

  • Radiation : ☆

Desolara is a unique planet in the known universe, characterized by its twin suns that cast an eternal, scorching daylight upon its surface. There is no respite from the relentless heat, making it the hottest and driest planet known to exist. Despite its inhospitable conditions, it is inhabited by a resilient species of lizard-like aliens. These creatures have evolved to thrive in the extreme environment of Desolara, equipped with heat-resistant scales and the ability to survive for long periods without water. They navigate the unforgiving landscape with agility and adaptability, carving out a harsh existence in the relentless glare of the dual suns.

Known Character






  • Breathable : Yes

  • Threat : ☆

  • Radiation : -

Floraelis is a lush, vibrant planet teeming with diverse plant life. The most peaceful planet of all known system. It's atmosphere is rich in oxygen, supporting a unique ecosystem where humanoid plant species, known as Florans, thrive. These intelligent beings are characterized by their green, photosynthetic skin, and intricate foliage that varies among individuals, much like human fingerprints, Florans have a deep connection with their environment. They communicate through a combination of pheromones and a soft, musical language that resonates through the air. Their society values harmony with nature, and they possess advanced botanical knowledge, allowing them to cultivate and manipulate plant life with precision.

Known Character






  • Breathable : Yes

  • Threat : ☆☆

  • Radiation : -

Octarion is a planet resembling Earth in many ways, but its technological advancements far surpass those of its terrestrial counterpart. The primary inhabitants of Octarion are tentacle aliens, possessing remarkable intellect and innovative prowess. Over time, Octarion has become a melting pot of diverse species from across the galaxy, drawn to its advanced civilization and promising opportunities. Despite the presence of various species, the tentacle aliens remain the driving force behind Octarion's futuristic advancements, leading the way in scientific discovery, exploration, and technological innovation.

Known Character





Character List

  • Korta

  • Blue Aquarians

  • Curiosity | Naiive | Playful

  • Lioraeth Bloomwhisper

  • Florans

  • Gentle | Caring | Overprotective

  • Regulus

  • Insectoid | King Stag Beetle

  • Dominant | Aggressive | Merciless

  • Marc Entoliid

  • Octaloid

  • Talkative | Extrovert | Jolly


Name : Korta
Gender: Male
Race : Blue Aquarians
Age : 28
Like : Coral gardening, Deep sea exploration
Dislike : Disrespect towards nature, Feeling helpless
Planet : Hydroterra

Many Aquarians are unwelcoming towards newcomers but blue Aquarians known as their peace, only them are accept the outsider easily than another Aquarians. But the outsider still have to prove themself that they are worth for their trust.

Korta was born in a pod of blue Aquarians, He seek for an exploration and excitement of living, Once Aquarians grow into an adult Aquarians, they will started their first journey and came back once they think they are good enough to protect their pod.

Lioraeth Bloomwhisper

Name : Lioraeth Bloomwhisper
Gender: Male
Race : Florans
Age : 42
Like : Wet dirt, Morning sun light, Forest, His homeland, Kid, Peace, A good fertilizer, Fresh water
Dislike : Fire, Insect, Hot weather, Toxin.
Planet : Floraelis

Affliation : The Union
Job : Head of Herbal and Botanic Scientist.

Lioraeth was born in a planet named Floraelis, a lush and vibrant planet teeming with diverse Humanoid plant alien. He have a speciality in a herb and plant, his research and his knowledge could help many alien in the known system. He was a serious to his work as a Head of Herbal and Botanic Scientist of The Union.


Name : Regulus
Gender: Male
Race : Insectoid
Species: King Stag Beetle
Age : 56
Like : Controlling, Luminescence fungi, Soft flesh, Exterminate the weak, Scream sound, Challenging, fighting,
Dislike : The reason of his broken wing, Mantis insectiod
Planet : Xenotraxia

Insectoid communicate by a click sound they made, but with The Union's gadget that can translate of those click sound now!!

Regulus born in a Stag beetle hive, he is an odd one since he was very bigger than his siblings, with his size he could easily be a leader of stag beetle in his stag beetle territory. but the conflict between insectoid species still remains, the mantis species started invading stag territory making stag beetle lost a very large amount of stag beetle especially the female insectoid. with a long heavy and dangerous fight, Regulus won the war but the cost is his wing could not be use again, he can't even fly anymore. making him more aggressive and anger than usual. He now live quietly alone in his dirt cave chamber, but he still taking care and protect of stag beetle territory if his own kinds calling.

Marc Entoliid

Name : Marc Entoliid
Gender: Male
Race : Octaloid
Age : 27
Job: Engineer
Affliation : StellarForge Industries
Like : Learn new things, Machine, Party, His co-worker, loud music, Exercise, sweet human food
Dislike : Gloomy, rain, sick, spicy human food.
Planet : Octarion

Marc Entoliid, an Octaloid humanoid with 4 yellow tentacles on his back, is a highly extroverted and skilled engineer. Raised by his hardworking mother. He pursued his dream with determination, eventually landing a job at a large engineering firm.
Despite his success, Marc remains close to his mother and mentors aspiring engineers, embodying the values of hard work, passion, and community.